My RT for interp is going to runner's up! Our RT is the one thing that I really like about interp. It's me, Carter Christianson, Lauren Nelson, Carla Squer, and Jason Williamson. We got 3rd at this last weekend's tournament. Which was the first tournament we ever went to. So it was awesome! And so a week from today we get to go to runner's up. Which is a pretty big honor. :] So I'm super excited! :D
On to bigger things. :]

So I put this picture on here cause I wanted one of me and Libby and I realized there aren't any of just the 2 of us that aren't quite terrible. Haha. So I put this one is cause I figured she would like Taylor in there too. :] For those of you who read Libby's blog you will have already read this or will be about to but that's ok. Me and Libby had 2 firsts tonight. She told me everything about her and Sean. Everything. Which made me feel...special? Haha. Idk...I'm just really glad she told me and felt that she could trust me. And I hope she knows that I would never ever in a million years judge her for anything like that. I will always love her no matter what! :D Another thing was I saw her cry for the first time. I know what you all are thinking. You are all like wtf? You guys are that good of friends and you have never seen her cry? After all the times you cried in front of her? Well, I never had. I had heard her cry on the phone once. But never seen it. And I'm kind of glad that I finally saw it. I'm not at all glad that she was crying. That's not what I mean. I just think it was good that we've both cried in front of each other now. I think that bonds people even more. And hopefully she knows that she can cry to me whenever she needs to. I love her so so much! :D
Dear Libby,
So that whole last part was about you but not directed at you. This part shall be directed at you! :D You are so so beautiful. I hope that you can fully believe that. To think that a year ago I had just met you and now...I don't know how I could live with out you. Remember: Girls are bitches and guys are dicks. God really screwed up in making humans. Haha. But I think there are a few good ones out there. I want you to know that I love you so so much. And you can come to me whenever. I meant everything I said in those voice mails. With all my heart. I love you! :D :D
Love, Natasha :]
The last thing is that I keep catching Rich's's freaking me out. Haha. A lot.
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