Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm not leaving, no I'm not leaving

Things are looking up...way way up. And it's about time! Haha. I just got off the phone with Rich's mom, Randi. We talked for like 50 minutes about everything. It lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. It seems as though there was a little bit of a miscommunication, but it's all good now. We just had a really nice chat and I think that things are going to take a turn uphill from here. :] Life is good.

I love band. I just...gosh it's so great. Haha. I know I'm such a nerd but it's just so great...so so great. :] Addison and John are probably 2 of the most hilarious people I've ever met. And my whole section is just great people. I love it.

Oh gosh...I really need to go to bed. I love you all!!!! :D

Monday, September 28, 2009

We'll keep moving...

Right now I'm hanging out with Izzy and Callie. :] Fun fun times. It reminds me of Laramie...which I miss so much. :] Those were truly good good times.

So I had a really rough week last week...it was pretty terrible to tell you the truth. This may sound like a really dumb reason to be upset but Rich's mom just randomly decided to hate me. After all this time of her being so nice to me she just...changed her mind. I don't really get it. She even defriended me on facebook and so did his older sister. I know I shouldn't really care...but I've always loved his family...and apparently they just decided to not return that anymore....Idk why it bugs me...but it does. A lot.

I read Ziggy's thing in his blog that he wrote about me if he had never met me. It was real sweet. :] It made me feel better. Thanks Zig!

Love!!!! :D

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Now I'm still driving just keep sleeping

So...I haven't written in what seems like forever! And I really should be doing homework but I don't want to quite yet. And I'm trying to figure out facebook mobile...urg.

Anyway...so I've been busy with a super amount of band lately. I love it so so much. :] It really just makes me feel so happy. :] Except I'm so tired all the time. And tomorrow we don't have any practice at all! Cause we did so fricken amazing at the compition yesterday!!!! There are two rounds and we won the first one with a score of 90.8 out of 100 I belive. Which is a really really good score. And then we won the "finals" round with a score of 92.1! Frickin 92.1! That's 7.9 points off of perfect!! I was so fricken excited! AH!!!!!!!

Wow...so that was my band nerd side. Anyway on to other activities...Theatre. Going good. I'm enjoying variety show cause light crew is just me Sean and Trimble. It's a fun time. We are going to make shirts that say "light crew turns me on". I think it's going to be awesome! :D

Then there is interp....ugh...I'm so stressed about that right now. I don't even like it anymore.......blech. And that's pretty much it.

Love Love Love! :D

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cigarette after cigarette can not help to calm your fear

Libby! What an amazing idea. So Libby and Sean recently went through people in their lives and tried to imagine what life would be like with out them. So here it goes.

Angie: So amazingly different I can't even begin to imagine. You made me the person I am today. I am so happy I can be your oldest and best friend. I've had so so many memories with you. California!!! Just imagining life with out you makes me heart ache. You have been there for me through everything. From the time in middle school when I had only 3 friends to being made of for liking the Beatles in elementary school to everything that happened this summer. I'm so happy I'm in band now so we can spend even more time together. I love you so much.

Libby: Gosh...I don't even want to think about what life would be like without you. I know one thing for sure...I wouldn't have made it through everything. I might be dead right now. You are the one I talk to when I'm crying and just can't seem to stop. And you are the one who gives me a slap in the face when I really need it. You are one of the most extraordinary people I have ever met. You are more beautiful than you could possibly imagine inside and out. I love you so much.

Sean: You are sitting right next to me right now playing neopets...hopefully that will distract you from reading this until it is time. So first...hahahahahaha...sorry you just made me laugh really hard. I love how into neopets and Pokemon you get. You never fail to put a smile on my face. You were the one boy who didn't abandon me at the beginning of the summer and you will never understand how much that means to me. When I had lost all faith in the male population you popped into my life even more than before. You are my best guy friend and I know I can go to you for anything. Life without you would be...terrible...I would have completely lost faith in boys as of now and would be super depressed. And all alone right now. :( Haha. I love you so much.

Izzy: Oh girl! I have missed you so much. And I'm so happy you are a part of my life again. Imagining life without you is a little easier because all I have to do is think back to this summer (sorry!). Life without you is definitely...less exciting. You always know how to make me crack up! And just the wacky stuff you do...it's just hilarious. I love you so much.

Brian: Oh boy...you are so so silly. Life would be different without you because I wouldn't have calling me a slut and a whore everyday. Haha. Jk. You have changed my life so much in ways I can't explain. You helped me to see thing through a boys eyes. And taught me that boys think with the wrong head. Haha. I love you so much.

Merecedes: My finacee! I can't wait until we get married. And I know that I have many other people to marry and such...but you are the only one on facebook so feel special. If you weren't a part of my life...I don't think I would completely understand how to love so purely like you do. You see the world in such a different way than most people...a much more beautiful way. And you make me feel good about myself for loving Jesus. And for that I love you.

Zoey: We haven't been friends for very long but in the little time we have I think I have noticed that life would be different with out you. First, I don't think I would understand how much people forgive if it wasn't for you. Because I was such a bitch and you still find a way to be my friend. Also, I think that I would feel like I was the only one that was dumb enough to waste so much time on Rich. But you made the same mistake as me. Which makes me feel better about life. Haha. That sounded kind of mean...sorry. Also...we are like the same person. It's really scary actually. Haha. And who would be my son's best friend when we grow up if it wasn't for you?!? I don't know I can tell you that much! :P I love you!

I love you all so so much! :D :D

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hypnotized by the carbon dioxide would turning back be a good idea?

So....I love life. :] I've had a really amazing weekend. Maura and Izzy slept over on Friday and we had a fun little adventure at Target and such. :] And Zoey slept over last night and we beat Beatles rock band in 3 and a half hours. Haha. And I had my first ever energy drink. You should seen me at 4 this morning...it was crazy. :P And then tonight was Zoey's bday party. And it was so fun to get all dressed up and go eat at a fancy restaurant. :] And she had a Beatles cake!

The Beatles have always been my favorite band...but lately I've really fallen in love with them again hard core. I think it was the excitement of Beatles rock band and everything. I just forgot how much I loved them...and how they stand for love and everything. They just make my heart so happy. :]

I feel like I'm really missing Libby lately...she had to work this whole weekend so I didn't get to see her at all. Haha. Wow...2 days and I miss her. It's just cause she's such a great big sister! And she draws me the best pictures ever! :D

I'm really glad that me and Zoey are friends now. Cause it's nice to know that people in the world forgive you after being a total bitch, you know? Plus it's just nice to have some new friends. To just throw a new element into life. If you would have asked me 3 months ago if I though I would be going to Zoey's birthday party today I would have laughed in your face, but that's what I did. And it was so much fun! :D Picture time!
Love!! :D

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What do you say we leave for California?

Izzy is really freaking me out.....she keeps growling at me......I'm scared. And she is obsessing over this game called sorority life. It's so cheesy and dumb. So yeah I'm really scared...

Last night play practice was complete hell. It was so terrible. Everyone was super pissy and everyone was like screaming at each other. It was....just horrible. I don't even know who to describe it any more than that. But then me and Izzy went to the diner which made it better. :] I really hate that show. It's almost as bad as R&J. At least during R&J I wasn't as depressed as I am now. Oh well. It's almost over! Thank the Lord! And then it will be Variety Show which should be fun! :D

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What do you say we leave for California? If we drive all night we can make it by the morning. No one has to know if we decide to go.

Today was the best day of my life I think. 9/9/09. I will never forget the day. Beatles rock band came out today!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D I've been counting down the days for so long! It's so exciting! :D Sean, Izzy, and I played it for like 2 hours. It is worth every penny. :]

So this weekend my mom is going out of town. And Izzy is staying over Friday and Sunday night and Zoey is staying over Saturday night. Zoey and I already decided that we are not actually going to sleep we are just going to play Beatles rock band all night. :] It is going to be so epic! :D

But I really need to go to bed.....

:D :D :D :D Love! :D :D :D :D

Monday, September 7, 2009

I can drive and you can sleep while the radio collides with the sound of our heart beats

Hello Everyone! :D I feel like I have many things to write about....so we will start with the good one first. :]

Yesterday. Life Light. It was so so much fun! :D Me and Izzy drove up there around 3 so we didn't get in until like 4. And then we met up with Angie and Erik right away. :] Then Erik ditched us to hang out with his friends. Haha. Jk. But anyway...then we eventually met up with Lauryn and her boyfriend Max, Ellen and Vicky (who hate me...but that's ok), a whole bunch of other people from camp, and Merecedes. There was a ton of people that we got to see that we knew it was great. :D And then it was time for Family Force 5! And by this point Angie had gone off with other people so it was Me, Izzy, and my friend Taran from camp. So we went and met up with Zoey and the 4 of us pushed our way (led by Zoey) into the middle of the crowd. Where we somehow found Angie. :] It was so much fun!!! And then the concert ended at about 10:30ish and we didn't get home until 1:30. Why it took Angie, Izzy, and Me so long to get home? That's a whole other story....

So here it is. After the Family Force 5 concert we went to the main stage to see a little bit of Newsboys. And then we said our good byes to Taran and met up with Merecedes one last time. :] So then we went out to the parking lot and it was about 11:15. What time did we finally find the car? Midnight. We were walking around forever trying to find it. All the people we laughing at us...and we all had to pee so bad. It was really hilarious! Haha. So then we finally found it and starting driving out and got lost. So then we found a police officer who gave us directions to "help us avoid traffic" which led us into even worse traffic. So it was terrible traffic and then we got stuck behind a car crash. So when we finally got past all of that it was 1 and then we still had to get back to Sioux Falls. And we really wanted some McDonalds. Haha. So we got that and then we finally made it home. It was a great night. One I will never forget. :]

Ugh....screw the depressing stuff. I'll just keep it wrapped up in my brain so no one else has to deal with it. All I can say is besides life light...fml.

:D Love!! :D

Friday, September 4, 2009

We could leave this town if only for the weather

Ah! My nose is running....I need to go get a kleenex......

Ok! I back and snot free! :D Always a good thing. :] I've been super sick all week...I really don't like it. :/ But other than that I've had a pretty good week. Not anything extremely exciting happened. It was basically just a normal school week. I pretty much love school...oh gosh...I'm such a nerd. I just love seeing everyone everyday. And I have barely any homework this year. :] It's awesome! Although I could do without Interp...I can just tell it's going to be a hassle trying to deal with that and Theatre. But I'll try to make it work.

So Merecedes today told Libby to warn me to not read Rich's blog cause it would really upset me...but I was far too curious to listen so I read it. And it didn't upset me...cause frankly. I have no idea what that boy was talking about. Sometimes...I just don't even understand his words. Shows how dumb I am...oh well...it was better than crying about it like Mercy thought I would. He thinks I asked Zoey to yell at him the other day. I didn't. She asked if she could and I said why not. I had no right to say she shouldn't. Idk...I don't understand anything anymore. I've realized that I'm real dead on the inside. I think I'm loosing my mind.....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If we leave our friends then we can be together

Well Hello There!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Haha. Gosh...that was from...the 4th of July was it not Libby? Good times. Haha. So it's currently the 3rd week of school and it's going pretty good. Yesterday was actually really sucky...but today was a lot better. Everyone is super super sick though. Haha. Yesterday I thought the world was crumbling cause everyone was depressed, but they seem to be getting better. :] Right now Izzy and Brian are hanging out at my house. So I'm the 3rd wheel again...............anananana. Haha. Jk. :P Cause they are dating now. I think Brian just pooped his pants. Not even joking. Haha.

I just got off the phone with my grandma. :/ She's so crazy!!! Haha. So last time I wrote on here I had 3 issues. Shall we talk about those? I think we shall. :]

Me and Ginny are cool. I thought she was mad at me but she says she wasn't...Idk...we are cool now and that's all that matters to me. :]

So me and Zoey are friends now. :] It's pretty cool. People stop yelling at me for it at play practice so that's good. :] Haha. Me, Zoey, Zoey's boyfriend, and Zoey's friends Maddy and Brittney went to the drive in this weekend and it was tons of fun! I got a water bottle that looks like a monkey! It's friggen sweet! :D

The 3rd...eh...we'll work on it. :P

Love! :D :D