Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dreams Only Last For A Night....

Last night I had a sleepover with Zoey. So much fun. I love that girl a lot. And I'm glad to know that next year when everyone leaves me I'll still have her. :] Speaking of everyone leaving....

I don't want that to happen. I don't want them to leave me...but I know it has to happen. Is it dumb that every time Libby says she can't wait to graduate and get the fuck out of here I kind of feel like something is like scraping at my heart a little? I'm going to miss her...

Last night me and Zoey died my hair! Not like a huge change but just something a little different. :] So I decided that with my new hair color I'm going to make a new me. This new Natasha:
1. Doesn't give a fuck what Sean or Claire think.
2. Is going to try really hard to be happy.
3. Is going to love herself...or at least try.

I hope I'll be able to see the light more if I try things....cause right now I feel like I'm falling through darkness...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cause I know I'm good for something I just haven't found it yet....

So......I'm feeling kind of like I'm a useless piece of shit.

Thank you Sean Lemke.