- I'm a deaf high school student. Last week was School Spirit Week, and one activity last week was to dress up as an inspirational person you knew or knew about. I went to school without dressing up like anyone, and when I got to school I found that 20 or 30 kids had dressed up like ME! I cried because they understood what I go through. They GMH
- One night, my dad told my family we should all pray for my cousin who is serving in Afghanistan. We later found out that around the same time, he ran over a bomb in his vehicle with 4 other soldiers. All five of them survived with only scratches. Prayer GMH.
- While at the store I noticed a man that was obviously mentally challenged. He wanted a free balloon that they give out to kids. They were out. A girl about 5 noticed him crying and walked up to him and said "here mister. you can have mine!" The look on his face was priceless. That girl GMH.
Those were three I just really liked. I don't know why. They don't all deal with the same thing or anything. I just thought it was real cute. :]
I wish I could write. Like really write. The stuff that Callie puts on her blog is beautiful. I just get on here and write about nothing. I wish I could do what she does.
So I just found out that my beautiful wife has a date to formal!!! Yay! :D She thought she told me but she didn't. :P This boy she liked asked her and that made me so happy! Now I have to find a date! Haha. I think I'm going to ask that boy I like. :] Everyone is telling me that I should. Haha. Hopefully I can work up enough courage.
My dad is being really douchey I would write about on here, but I don't want to put the effort just for him. I just really hate him. I'm so sick of him. He's such a dick.
I really really love music. So much. It's my soul. I don't even know how to describe the feeling it gives me. Idk...I just love it. Plus I've been getting a ton of new music, but The Beatles are obviously still my favorite. I just want to put some pics on here and I didn't know of what. So I decided on album covers. :] Here we go!

So I've recently fallen in love with All Time Low. Especially this album. They are coming to St. Paul in November, and I would LOVE to go! It would be amazing!!! I love their music!!!
Mayday Parade is another new add to my favorite music. I love them! Especially their song Miserable At Best. It's so sad but I keep listening to it over and over. I love it.
Oh Panic! Haha. I'm actually wearing my Panic! At The Disco shirt right now! :D I like this cd a lot. I actually made out will listening to this cd way back in the day...but I just try not to think about that when I listen to it. Haha. Northern Downpour. Love that song.
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