Monday, November 16, 2009

Take it one step at a time my little friend.

So today was a pretty shitty day. I really wish Sean would actually show up to school. We've all been heart broken. You just need to get the balls to face it. I know that sounds bitchy. But honestly. Get your ass to school. I just made Claire a pretty bitchin CD though. :] And I found an amazing My Life Is Average:

"Today I was volunteering at a nearby elementary school's carnival. They had a DJ operating the songs playing on the sounds system. At some point Miley Cyrus's song "Party in the U.S.A." came on. A child of about 9 suddenly dropped to the floor screaming "My youth! My youth! It's being corrupted!" The DJ immediately turned off the music, apologized, and then started playing a Beatles song. I have faith in today's generation. MLIA" :D :D

I've sworn more on this blog post then ever I do believe...oh well.

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