Hello Everyone! :D I feel like I have many things to write about....so we will start with the good one first. :]
Yesterday. Life Light. It was so so much fun! :D Me and Izzy drove up there around 3 so we didn't get in until like 4. And then we met up with Angie and Erik right away. :] Then Erik ditched us to hang out with his friends. Haha. Jk. But anyway...then we eventually met up with Lauryn and her boyfriend Max, Ellen and Vicky (who hate me...but that's ok), a whole bunch of other people from camp, and Merecedes. There was a ton of people that we got to see that we knew it was great. :D And then it was time for Family Force 5! And by this point Angie had gone off with other people so it was Me, Izzy, and my friend Taran from camp. So we went and met up with Zoey and the 4 of us pushed our way (led by Zoey) into the middle of the crowd. Where we somehow found Angie. :] It was so much fun!!! And then the concert ended at about 10:30ish and we didn't get home until 1:30. Why it took Angie, Izzy, and Me so long to get home? That's a whole other story....
So here it is. After the Family Force 5 concert we went to the main stage to see a little bit of Newsboys. And then we said our good byes to Taran and met up with Merecedes one last time. :] So then we went out to the parking lot and it was about 11:15. What time did we finally find the car? Midnight. We were walking around forever trying to find it. All the people we laughing at us...and we all had to pee so bad. It was really hilarious! Haha. So then we finally found it and starting driving out and got lost. So then we found a police officer who gave us directions to "help us avoid traffic" which led us into even worse traffic. So it was terrible traffic and then we got stuck behind a car crash. So when we finally got past all of that it was 1 and then we still had to get back to Sioux Falls. And we really wanted some McDonalds. Haha. So we got that and then we finally made it home. It was a great night. One I will never forget. :]
Ugh....screw the depressing stuff. I'll just keep it wrapped up in my brain so no one else has to deal with it. All I can say is besides life light...fml.
:D Love!! :D
Why I sometimes feel like I'm going crazy
10 years ago
I'm here for all that depressing shit darling one...