Today Taylor flat out told me that I'm the one in charge of light crew next year. He had kind of been hinting at it but now it's official. And my head is spinning...
I am so so so excited! That means that no one besides D is above me. I love lights and they are a great way to express myself. And I guess I feel...special...? Haha. That seems lame but I feel really important and respected. Which is really nice because it seems like theatre is really the only place that I have worth. So it's nice that I have a lot of worth. :]
On the other hand...I'm frightened. I don't want to let them down. And I feel like my head can't hold near as much knowledge as it needs too. I feel like Taylor is going to come back to see shows and just be like are you kidding me? But I'm more excited than I am scared...
Ask Callie...he gave me that news and I was just kind of in shock. Haha.
I'm important. :]
Why I sometimes feel like I'm going crazy
10 years ago